Saturday, April 12, 2008


Currently I am blogging from the smiths computer..We have 8 kids in the house inculding the 4 teens wow thats alot the kids are being pretty well behaved their addicted to this game called maple story..and abby is playing quietly in her room we will see how long that philip is asleep on the couch..He slept through everything that must be a pretty deep sleep Today I spent the day at alexis house we tanned and it was brutally hot outside it felt like summer already we were sweating like pigs..after that we decided to go swimming in her neighbors pool it was fun thier was algae all along the bottom so everytime time you tried to walk you slipped that turned into a water fight that was fun..well we just got back outiside with abby now we are about to play with abby philip has been sleeping for about 4 hours now..anyways im gonna go color with abby,shawn, and lexi!!!
signing off,


I just woke up and wow am I sore...We were awoken to alexis's mom calling us 5-6 times Asking to get her out of bed. Alexis kept saying she would but we just kept falling back asleep. After about the 6th time we went to take her dog (Chico) out for a walk and now alexis is making coffee (Yuck!) So the day begins not much planned for the day ..Prob just chilling with alexis and then later on babysitting for Ben and Marissa ..So it will be pretty laid back day..
Signing Off,

Friday, April 11, 2008


Well I am pretty 0ut of shape I may not look it but Trust me I am. Alexis is deciding to try to be healthier so we decided to go on a walk/jog/run thing it ended up lasting over and hour and we walked never ended..Now we are super sore and gonna be in some serious pain tomorrow we will probaley go again tomorrow because im trying to get in better "Cardiovascular health" haha ..Alexis is a great friend. I'm really glad I met her we have been through alot together.
Signing Off,


OK well, To better understand what I am Blogging about I am going to give you some back round info. My whole life I grew up a pretty typical childhood no major problems. It it hit me like a bullet....When my mom dropped the bomb that my parents were getting divorced it was official their were no second chances turning back or maybes. I just had to suck it up and deal with it. It happened fast and sudden my mom broke the news to me in an applebee's restaurant over a oriental chicken salad. At first I was kinda in a shock a disbelief kinda a this isn't happening to me. After 3 long months of fights and hard decisions it was over. That was it the end of 17 years of marriage. It was pretty much my fault of how much information I knew because I overheard alot of convo's that I prob shouldn't of heard. That was it I heard the conversation that changed my life,my mom was on the phone with her friend and I heard her say it was over I immediately ran to the computer and looked for every bible verse I could find on divorce I got Pastor Doug's messages ran into my room and listened to them , I thought how could this be happening. I felt a sudden guilt knowing that I had 4 more years of them "together" then Robert.Rob took it pretty hard he didn't show it, but I could tell he immediately took to my moms side and stuck to it. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't take sides. Soon after that they was lots of fighting issues and debates. The only way I got through it was going to church and having Ben and Marissa in my life they are my neighbors and our their 24/7. They are a m a z i n g. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today. Anyway, the News was made public and things only went downhill from their. Their were various fights about the house, money, kids everything that you could fight about was brought up. The divorce moved rather fast because my mom works at a lawyers office so she would basically go to work and work on her divorce to. My dad lived with us during the whole divorce process. Which made it hard because obviously they weren't getting along so most of the time I would either be in my room or across the street at Ben and Marissa's. Shortly, after that my dad found a place and he started moving out during this my dad lost his 3rd job in 6 months . Currently he lives in Eustis and is still unemployed. The divorce was finalized and completed in March. I thought the problems would end. I was wrong... My dad hates paying child support and they still fight it's not as bad since they aren't living together. Currently, my mom still works at the lawyers office and is supposedly the happiest she's ever been. She is into the whole "Party Scene" And that's the most I can get into on that subject. It doesn't work out too great because of my busy schedule but I try my hardest to make it work. I pretty much care for Robert but it's hard. He's not the easiest to care for. It's not all on me because we are probably at Marissa's house more than our own. And it's made a BIG difference its great and super convenient It works out pretty good because that's the only way we are actually able to get to church though them so, that's what we do. Every Sunday, Thursday and Monday(Celebrate Recovery) I receive a ride from the Smith's. I am so glad I met them and they are in my life. Well that's where I am now it gets pretty hectic with school and trying to keep my grades up. Algebra is horrible and waking up at 5 to catch my bus at 6 stinks! I will try to keep this blog up to date but it will prob be hard since I don't have working interenet and blogging this from Lexie's house.
Signing off,